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Hemsley and Hemsley Asian Style Beef Stew


the art of eating well. HEMSLEY & HEMSLEY is Jasmine and Melissa Hemsley. We are a London based family business for people who want to live healthier and more energised lives. We make whole, organic, nutrient filled, delicious homemade foods, free of grain, gluten, high starch and refined sugar. We want to share the food we love cooking and eating. This blog is all about food that changes the way we feel. Check out our new website www.hemsleyandhemsley.com


Follow @HemsleyHemsley

White Chocolate & Coconut Mint Truffles




Little peppermint white chocolate truffles - the perfect way to finish a meal.

We've used a base of creamy coconut and raw cacao butter, sweetened with raw honey for a nutritious treat.

Coconut products come in many forms and for this recipe we need both the oil and the butter - organic, virgin, unbleached stuff - the butter to form the body of the truffle and the oil to give it that melt in the mouth texture. Coconut butter is the coconut solid whizzed up - add plenty of water and you have coconut cream. You can buy organic coconut butter but for some reason it's very expensive or you can make it but it takes time and a food processor.  We've found the perfect solution in a bar of Biona creamed coconut - both the butter and the oil that we need in one. They form separate parts when the bar is cool and at this time of year, unless your heating is at full whack, the bar will be solid. The best way to melt it is to keep it in it's sleeve and warm it through in hot water - otherwise if you place it straight in a pan the natural sugars in the coconut tend to burn.

We love quality mint extract by Nielsen Massey (famous for their vanilla) a couple of teaspoons does the job with these truffles but we've been caught short before and ended up using the contents of a mint tea bag!  A great option since most people have one lurking somewhere…just add the leaves to the cocoa butter when it melts so that it has time to infuse or try infusing the tea bag in the 3 tbs of boiling water if you want to keep your truffle smooth.

Bet you can't guess what we used to make them green…


Male Monday for


As the new London editors for www.sousstyle.com we have the tough task of seeking out the local foodies, photographing them in their homes and then eating their lovely food.

One of the Sous Style categories is 'Male Monday' where the guys take to the kitchen and show us their favourite dish. We sent Nick (who for those that don't know, is the third part of Hemsley & Hemsley and a fantastic photographer) off to meet the very talented Mr Andy Waugh.

We found Andy last year when his business 'The Wild game Co' - winners of the Young British Foodie Award 2012 for Street Food - took over The Endurance pub in Soho for the Christmas period:



Andy prepared a Venison steak salad for Nick - the venison sourced from his family's game- butchering business in Scotland. In true highland style Andy donned his beloved kilt and posed just as the snow fell on cue.


Later that evening we attended the first night of his amazing new pop up venture in Clerkenwell - more about that soon.

Read all about Andy's food ethos and his venison steak salad recipe at Sous Style.com.



Our march Roundup


Our March Roundup - sign up for our newsletter by emailing melissa@hemsleyandhemsley.com


Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"

—Robin Williams

Hello Spring!


Spring 2013 officially started over a week ago on the 20th of March but  the first day really feels like today - Good Friday - the beginning of the bank holiday weekend when the kids finish school and plans are made with family and friends. Taken from Wikipedia:

In spring, the axis of the Earth is increasing its tilt relative to the Sun, and the length of daylight rapidly increases for the relevant hemisphere. The hemisphere begins to warm significantly causing new plant growth to "spring forth," giving the season its name. Snow, if a normal part of winter, begins to melt, and streams swell with runoff. Many flowering plants bloom this time of year, in a long succession sometimes beginning when snow is still on the ground, continuing into early summer.

In some regions in the Northern Hemisphere, the astronomical March equinox (varying between 19 and 21 March) is taken to mark the first day of spring.

Eggs, like rabbits and hares, are fertility symbols of antiquity. Since birds lay eggs and rabbits and hares give birth to large litters in the early spring, these became symbols of the rising fertility of the earth at the March Equinox.

The name Easter came from Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of fertility and spring.


Easter Lamb - an easy slow roasted feast




Spring is officially here and in true British fashion the recent cold snap has given us plenty of reason to grumble about the weather.

The Easter weekend starts tomorrow so gather family and friends somewhere warm and enjoy a celebratory feast.  We'll be enjoying the traditional lamb roast - a meal that is steeped in culture and used throughout many religions at this time. This year we're roasting lamb shoulder - cheaper than a leg but as delicious as any cut once given some slow roasting love in the oven.  Of course it's got to be British lamb raised the natural way on a diet of herb rich pasture -in fact we're on our way now to the Ginger Pig in Borough Market to pick one up!

This recipe is for an anchovy, garlic and thyme roasted lamb roast - pot roasted in a stainless steel pan with matching lid (we don't do aluminium cookware or foil - beware it's toxic stuff, especially when heated!). We're serving it with a leek & mustard cauli mash and a kale salad - the leaves massaged with olive oil, lemon and salt and garnished with thinly sliced raw leek and of course the perfect lamb accompaniment - mint


Just like the old fashioned chicken Sunday roast we know that this meal will go far.  Plenty of leftovers for a quick stirfry or a Shepherds version of our Cottage pie, an amazing gravy and the bones will go into the stock pot with all our veg scraps to make some nourishing soup for later in the week.


Be happy for no reason, like a child.



                              PASCHIMOTTANASANA or WEST STRETCH POSE

                                                                         Flo Yoga

Following up on the last couple of yoga posts which featured chest opening poses, we will take a closer look at Paschimottanasana, a forward bend, which offers a wonderful release to the back of our body.

A word of caution before we tell you more about the benefits of the pose and how to perform it though:

If you had any recent back surgery, a bulging, herniated or ruptured disk, you might want to give this pose a miss since if executed incorrectly, it could actually aggravate your condition.

On a physical level, Paschimottanasana allows the front body to play an active part in the stretch of the back body by contracting. Your abdominal muscles are engaged to assist the folding of your chest over the legs and you need to consciously lift your quadriceps to encourage your hamstrings to lengthen. Your back and legs receive a great stretch while mentally and emotionally, you will feel a sense of calm and serenity.

How to:

  • Start by sitting on the floor (or on a block/folded blanket if you find it difficult to sit without rounding your lower back) with your legs together stretched out in front to form an L-shape between your legs and upper body.
  • Distribute your weight evenly across both sitting bones (or ischial tuberosities if anatomical terms are your thing!), flex your feet, knees and toes pointing up. Press the back of your thighs into the floor whilst keeping your back long. Walk your hands toward your feet and using your abdominal muscles, fold your chest over the legs hinging at the hips, not the waist.
  • Feel your back and the back of your legs lengthen, deepen your breath and stay for at least ten breaths. Notice the calming effect of the pose on your brain and settle in the stillness.

Paschimottanasana is also said to stimulate the  liver, kidneys, reproductive organs and to improve digestion… Wow!

Facebook Flo Yoga


Cottage Pie with cauliflower mash




This is our 50th recipe for Vogue since we started last year and it's a cottage pie with a twist - we've done a cauliflower cheese topping for a lower carb and more nutritious way to make old fashioned, mash topped pies.


We love creamy mash and we love cauliflower - so cauliflower mash is a winner for us. You might already have tried steak with cauli mash, one of our earlier recipes for Vogue. Cauliflower mash is just like potato mash but with bonuses - there's no peeling, its quick to make, far more nutritious and so light and fluffy it won't feel like a sack of potatoes in your belly! Cauliflower has good amounts of folate, B vitamins, vitamin C potassium, vitamin K, protein, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese and omega-three fatty acids.  It's part of the cruciferous family (also known as the brassica family) along with broccoli, cabbage, kale, radishes, watercress. These vegetables contain phytochemicals which once chewed form a compound that triggers the liver to produce enzymes which detoxify carcinogens.

The beauty of cottage pie and cooking with mince is that it's a fantastically frugal way of using less tender and less popular cuts of beef. By using this trick you can afford to step up the quality of the meat that you buy - after all every part of a naturally reared animal is nutritious not just the popularly touted 'clean, lean' cuts. Beef shin or chuck mince is full of of flavour and has natural fat which, contrary to popular belief, is necessary for nutrient absorption as well as healthy brain and cell function. We also advocate making stock for this dish, not just for it's flavour - homemade bone broth is full of minerals, extracted during the lengthy cooking process, so ask your butcher to throw in a few beef bones too.

To be sure that your meat is what it says it is, we recommend steering clear of the faceless multinational companies. Find yourself a good local butcher who sells pasture-raised, hormone and antibiotic free meat - we love Riverford Farm and Ginger Pig. Make friends with your butcher and don't be afraid to ask questions - by getting in touch with the people who source your food and who can provide it's provenance, you will have peace of mind that everything from nose to tail, stalk to root will be exactly as you would want it to be.



Sunday Times Style Magazine - feature on turning your love of food into a business.


Source: https://hemsleyandhemsley.tumblr.com/page/10

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